3D Abilities Profile is really a structured framework for comprehensively recording or profiling a person’s abilities. By using this, we are able to profile our abilities, assessment being the initial step towards career development. Similarly, employers or organizations could make use of the framework to profile the abilities of their employees to concentrate its development effort.
The popular features of the 3D Abilities Profile:
- Comprehensiveness: It’s relevant to the people in almost any function or industry so they cover every area a person’s talent, professional and otherwise.
- Structured: It requires one from the macro to some micro level inside a step-by-step manner.
- Universal: It’s relevant to the people across geographies and levels in organizations.
The profiling involves two dimensions:
- The abilities we possess and
- The proficiency within the abilities
(Batting maybe a person’s capacity the attached aspect or proficiency means how good one bats.)
Our 3D Abilities profile would therefore cover these two aspects i.e. profile the abilities or skills we possess and also the proficiency levels during these skills or abilities.
Career development or worker development means either/and:
- Obtaining new abilities or skills
- Improving our proficiency levels within the abilities or skills
Structure for recording abilities
- Function
Example: HR, Arts, Software Development, Accounts and purchasers etc.
- Industry
Example: Financial Services, Software, Automotive, Oil & Gas etc.
- Roles
Five broad clusters of roles that anchor around one key factor or core competence. A situation within an organization maybe a mix of these five roles in varied levels. From all these roles, different types of deliverables are anticipated.